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Hơn 3 tháng chưa có tương tác mới tại địa điểm này, bạn hãy liên hệ để kiểm tra lại trước khi đến!
Number One Brand The Original Thai Tea Since 1945 (Cha Tra Mue) - Terminal 21

Number One Brand The Original Thai Tea Since 1945 (Cha Tra Mue) - Terminal 21

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Chưa mở cửa  10:00 - 22:00
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
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  • john senaa
    john senaa
    đã bình luận bằng Web 28/12/2022 16:58:36,
    Adsadsads ...Xem thêm
  • Alan Yip
    Alan Yip
    đã bình luận bằng iPhone 23/03/2016 16:44:30,
    Seriously awesome thai milk tea
    Wow!!! Where do i begin? I saw this from a food critic's blog and thought had to give it a try - perhaps it would be ok but no, it exceeded all expectations! They do not call it 'number one brand' for nothing - their best seller is the Thai Milk Tea. There is their thai tea and a dash of condensed milk, in ice - for an iced cold Thai Milk Tea! It has a super rich tea flavour which i can not describe - which is the standout 'X' factor! It is well priced at 35baht or a little over 23k dong - it is even better priced than in Saigon - ie Chattime! There are many locations across Bangkok central - but i went to the one at Terminal 21 and it is at the lower level where the gourmet market is located at. ...Xem thêm
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