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Gambetta - Thực Phẩm Nhập Khẩu

Gambetta - Thực Phẩm Nhập Khẩu

- Gia đình, Nhóm hội
Chất lượng
Vị trí
Phục vụ
Giá cả
Không gian
Bình luận
Đang mở cửa  08:30 - 21:30
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
Đang cập nhật
Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
50.000đ - 300.000đ
Báo lỗi bình luận
Báo lỗi người dùng
  • Cao Tâm
    đã bình luận bằng Web
    A terrible TERRIBLE first experience!!! I'd been wanting to visit this store for such a long time but never had the chance to, but when I had, it was such an unbearable horrible experience!!! They accused us of something we didn't do in a very disrespectful way!?! We walked in the store on a Saturday night, happy, willing to shop, having a good time. My boyfriend asked to use the bathroom at around 8:30-8:45, while I was outside, shopping. After him, there were one other Korean girl, one mother-son couple used it as well. We spent approximately 45-50 minutes there, and when we came back home, two days later, they POSTED our photos, saying we had 'problems'??? When we tried to contact them, they kept saying they had evidence, they had everything captured, that we should be aware of that, and accused us of taking some of their property but showing no footage at all?? And on top of that, all that I'm aware of is they only have footage of my boyfriend walked into the bathroom and come out, (while there were 2-3 more people using it afterwards), and then found their stuff missing after closing the store! I wonder what could possibly make them think we were the stealers, and why us of all the people who came??? Putting our images like we were criminals, saying we have problems like we're shop lifters, UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! The way they handle it is also terribly RUDE!!! DEFINITELY WON'T EVER RETURN, can't believe I just purchased from such a rude store. Unbelievable. Hope you can find whatever you're missing and then REALIZE HOW TERRIBLY WRONG and RUDE you were about YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!!! ...Xem thêm
  • 9.8
    Nhiều đồ lạ từ Mỹ phẩm đến đồ ăn đồ uống
    Chủ người nước ngoài nên bước vào cửa hàng nhìn nhác hẳn, không gian đẹp như kiểu đường phố Châu Âu. Có rất nhiều đồ chất lượng , tiện dụng , chủ yếu là hàng của Mỹ và Pháp . Chỗ để xe thuận tiện. Sẽ ủng hộ shop nhiều. 👍🏼 ...Xem thêm
  • 10
    Không gian đẹp. Nhân viên nhiệt tình. Toàn hàng xịn mà giá cả rất phải chăng. Rất hài lòng 👌 ...Xem thêm
  • Sam D
    đã bình luận bằng Android
    Excellent import grocery store
    Gambetta is one of the best import shops I've seen in Vietnam. It's clean, spacious, nice design and decor that you normally never see in Vietnam and a very good product selection. You can find a wide range of things from the US and elsewhere - Doritos!! There's also lots of baby products and ingredients for cooking. I strongly recommend checking it out. ...Xem thêm
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7.2 điểm - Khá tốt
Thông tin & Bản đồ
Thời gian hoạt động
Đang mở cửa  08:30 - 21:30
Thời gian chuẩn bị
Khoảng 5 - 10 phút
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