WORST PLACE TO GO in the city
Most stupid place I've ever ate in the city. Completely insane price, $9 for a sandwich that taste like bread to go to the trash !?! Pretending to be "wagyu", I can tell from the first bite it is cheap beef.
4 few pity rolls called "foie gras" $10...total rip off ! That foie gras was the worst thing I've ever ate in my whole life, probably taste like cheap chicken liver.
I didn't even want to take a picture of a Pho my friend took. Ridiculous portion for kid of 4 priced at $12 !
The whole place is nasty, dirty, smells badly, toilets you'd rather go in the street it would be cleaner ! You can tell they never clean the place or probably clean it once a week.
They put very lousy music while just the waiters and waitresses enjoyed and laughing, rather to serve the customers.
The location is in a slum market place where you see 3 giant rats running in front of the restaurant before you walk in.
I was so angry but did not say anything as I was with my friend and didn't want to be too negative. I don't even understand why a place like this could sustained in Ho Chi Minh city while they are so many other places less pretentious but way much better.
On top of that, they charge extra 10% VAT + 5% service charge. The service is even less compared to street food. How can they pretend charging service like a 5 stars hotels?? Worst experience ever.Xem thêm
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