I got dip powder nails while they usually last from 3/4 weeks 2 broke off in 2 days, one can be an error 2 just means its shit. While i was there she made me bleed, i told her it hurted she kept on going on. And now that 2 broke off in 2 days i asked a refund to go somewhere that would do it properly so it would last she told me i couldnt and that id have to come for them to fix my nails. I live a little far which took me 70k of grab. Thanks for nothing and just making me throw money out the windowsXem thêm
300,000đ +
- Đây là nhận xét từ Thành Viên trên Foody, không phải từ Foody Corp. -
Central Kitchen Lotte Center 54 Liễu GiaiMochi mềm mà bạn, bạn bảo nhân viên lấy cho bánh ăn luôn ấy ah, ko thì để ngoài 45' là ok.
Mấy bánh ở ngoài đều là giả hết bạn nhed ^^