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Chưa mở cửa  08:00 - 23:30
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
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Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
100.000đ - 220.000đ
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  • Bennie Boi
    Bennie Boi
    đã bình luận bằng Android 16/03/2017 12:27:52,
    Fresh from the tank...
    Simply enchanting. Scattered in tiny white lights, the trees that overhang this seafood restaurant welcome you in. Attentive and attractive, the female servers bend over backwards to bring you top notch customer service. Cooked to tender perfection, smoked oysters topped with a creamy white cheese sauce is a great way to kick off a Foody experience. Scallops anyone? Yes, please! Sweet and spicy to the taste, a decent sized serving of diced scallops sprinkled with roasted peanuts always does the trick - Follow that by a serving of deliciously prepared snails cooked in a creamy sauce that carries the notes of wild mushrooms, you can never go wrong. To end with, fresh from the tank and directly into a hot pot of spicy broth, fresh fish mixed with all kinds of veggies helps you to wash it all down. ...Xem thêm
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