Where to start... I’m been there regular customer since January 2017, it is a review long over due! I felt in love with The Reverie when i was staying at Le Meridien Saigon. I noticed that flashing neon building everytime i passed by at night and asked my friend about it. He told me its a newly open hotel and i should check it out. I’m glad i did! 3 years later and counting, its my luxurious hide away right in the heart of a bustling saigon’s city life. The Reverie is a truly 5 stars hotel, from the building itself, to location, food, accomodation, and services, not many hotel can matched. I think i had uploaded plenty of pictures of my many stays with them, so i let its speak for itself. I tried all the restaurants and cafe from Reverie, except RJ’s, that is on my next to try list. Little interesting unknown facts: The Reverie’s has a helicopter pad! And its the ONLY building in the city to had permit for helicopter to land, NOT even Bitexco! They also offer private river cruise, it is all on my todo list! Hints hints ;0)Xem thêm
10,000,000đ +
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