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Hơn 3 tháng chưa có tương tác mới tại địa điểm này, bạn hãy liên hệ để kiểm tra lại trước khi đến!
Sunny Tropical Apartment Hotel

Sunny Tropical Apartment Hotel

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{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
Đang cập nhật
Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
1.200.000đ - 3.000.000đ
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Báo lỗi người dùng
  • Kathy Lee
    Kathy Lee
    đã bình luận bằng Web 17/12/2018 16:08:57,
    Awesome Apartment with the convenient location! Close to district and very peaceful for us to take a rest!
    My family stay at Sunny Tropical was absolutely fantastic!! We stayed at this property for 4 nights last month. The hotel has the perfect location, very near my favorite places in Vietnam like Bui Vien Street, Nguyen Hue Walking Street and Ben Thanh Market. Away from the mad Saigon rush yet close to all the major shopping and party places, restaurants and bar that Saigon has on offer. The room was so nice and fully furnished. Hairdryer, an iron and washing machine are a part of the room's standard amenities, all of which come really handy and help save up on those extra expenses incurred on laundry. We really loved the swimming pool there. So pure and beautiful! The staff was very helpful and courteous. My family said that she was very impressed by the conscientious staff there. Next year, we will come to Saigon again and we also stay there. ...Xem thêm
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