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Bộ lọc

Sushi Đường Phố

- Gia đình, Nhóm hội, Giới văn phòng
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Phục vụ
Chất lượng
Bình luận
Đang mở cửa  10:30 - 22:30
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
Đang cập nhật
Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
10.000đ - 129.000đ
Báo lỗi bình luận
Báo lỗi người dùng
  • Wessels Lerinus
    Wessels Lerinus
    reviewed bằng Android 03/09/2019 12:41:29,
    From what i have seen the best in HCM
    Wonderful cuisine and their customer service is spectacular, if you are a english teacher or even just a tourist in the mood for good sushi that is not overly priced, sushi Đường phố is a place that you should definitely consider, the language barrier is at times a hassle but it is much better than i would ever have expected, they are a wonderful bunch of chaps who are eager to help when ever they can, if you have some time to spend just sitting they are eager to learn how to communicate with you, so give them a try I never enjoyed sushi back home but this is very good ...Xem thêm
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