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Bộ lọc

Nook Cafe & Bar

- Sinh viên, Cặp đôi, Nhóm hội, Giới văn phòng
Không gian
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Chất lượng
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Vị trí
Bình luận
Đang mở cửa  07:00 - 23:00
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
Đang cập nhật
Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
39.000đ - 135.000đ
Báo lỗi bình luận
Báo lỗi người dùng
  • Keelah Rose
    Keelah Rose
    đã bình luận bằng Android 27/01/2019 13:54:01,
    Crazy owner is very rude
    Hands down the worst experience I've ever had at any restaurant. I spent more than 300,000VND on a meal. When the last dish came, it was covered in chocolate sauce, which I cannot eat. That had not been part of the description of the dish on the menu. I asked them to please make me another one. Annoying, yes, but a normal part of running a restaurant! Instead the owner came out of the kitchen and began screaming at me -- actually screaming from across the room! -- and blaming me for their mistake. When I calmly told her she was making me very uncomfortable by yelling at me and might lose a customer, she said that was fine with her! So she has her wish. I will do everything I can from now on to keep people away from her restaurant! ...Xem thêm
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