10Thành phần dinh dưỡng cua đồng (Nutrition facts of freshwater crab meat)Trong 100g cua có tới 5.040mg canxi, 430mg photpho, 4,7mg sắt, các loại vitamin B1, B2, PP… Regarding the nutrition facts, I don’t have enough information of Thao My noodle soup but there are available for freshwater meat facts. As researched, 100g of freshwater crab meat without carapace containing 74,4g water, 12,3g protein, 3,3g lipid, 2g glucid supplying 89g calories. In addition, vitamin and natural minerals in particular Calcium in freshwater crab which is very high level: for 100g crab contains 5.040mg calcium, 430mg phosphorus, 4,7mg ferrum, various vitamin B1, B2, PP, ... Có 8 trên 10 axit amin cần thiết, gồm lysine, methionie, valine, leucin, isoleucien, phenylalanine, threonine và trytophane (chỉ thiếu arginine và histidine). There are from 8 to 10 essential amino acids such as lysine, methionie, valine, leucin, isoleucien, phenylalanine, threonine and trytophane (but specially don’t have arginine and histidine which are causing allergic reaction). ...Xem thêm